The National Curve Bank by Dr Shirley Gray
This sprawling database is a sight to behold; cycloids, logarithmic spirals, hyperbolas, parabolas, polar curves, sinusoids- these are just some of the stuff being featured on the site (and I have barely scratched the surface as far as the offerings are concerned). Simulation applets and various 3-D animations are aplenty, not to mention you get nice history lessons on how some of these famous curves came to fruition:
Every serious mathematician should definitely pay Dr Shirley Gray's site a visit; the URL is I am most grateful to her for granting me permission to make mention of her creation here. Peace.
I had the honour of meeting Dr Shirley Gray in person (as well as her husband Professor Harry Gray of Caltech University) on the evening of 22 July 2013-they were in Singapore for a 3 day visit and stayed at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) National Executive Centre.
Managed to chat with both of them at length despite their busy schedules; they struck me as a genuinely warm, friendly couple who possessed exceptional wit, humility and humor. I am certainly humbled to be in their presence. Peace.